We enjoy working with #womenled and #womenowned businesses in growth stage as they have a clear understanding of how they would like to scale up. Nankhonde Kasonde – van den Broek, like many of our clients came prepared with a thorough understanding of her business and industry.

We were also delighted to work with Chisha Kumisuku and Carole Ng’andwe of Jibu (P) Zambia in cohort 1 of the #wCap investment ready programme.

Would you like to be considered for wCap services? If your business has annual revenue of at least $50,000.00 (ZMW1,000,000) i.e minimum K80,000 a month, have at least one female equity partner/ female co-founder, or offer a product aimed at women then you could be eligible. Let us know more about your company by clicking here: https://womencapital.co/submit-your-company/