As we wind down our 12 week cohort 1 sessions, where the first women led and women owned business cohort were supported through an eye opening journey of business advice, growth and learning, wCap are excited to announce applications are now open for Cohort 2, which kicks off on 1st March 2021.
Last year our group of successful women business owners of cohort one embarked on a journey to take their businesses to the next level. Prior to the start of the rigorous 12-week program, through the application process, we had already identified applications from women owned/lead businesses spanning from agriculture, IT solutions, fintech, FMGC, manufacturing wanting to pivot and thrive. The program ensured that each business strategy and model was re aligned accordingly to ensure exponential and sustainable growth. Post recommendation and implementation of such plans in their respective markets, each business was pivoted to be more attractive to investors.
The wCap investment ready accelerator program has been meticulously designed to allow entrepreneurs access to advisory services to help them become bankable. Our entrepreneurs were able to discuss and obtain assistance with corporate strategy, business models, marketing, industry analysis, capacity building, operations, and processing, assessing financing needs, financial modeling, business continuity management, product development. Sessions were jam-packed full of learning, development, support, and encouragement. Our business owners were trained and guided by our professional wCap team.
If you missed out on applying for cohort 1, now is your chance to apply for cohort 2. If you are still asking yourself why you should apply, let us share with you what our cohort applicants have to say about their journey thus far:
Chisha Kamisuku, Founder and CEO of Jibu Products Zambia said, ” Carole and I enjoyed working with you and the wCap team. Being a team of women in business you totally understood our challenges with raising finance and ensuring our business continues to grow as we implement all the recommendations.”
Nankhonde Kasonde van den Broek, Founder and CEO of Zanga African Metrics said, “ I am a female Zambian entrepreneur with a successful management consulting and executive coaching business based in Lusaka. One of the challenges I was facing was how to scale my business. I applied to wCap for support to take this new product to market. I now have a sound business model and strategy that I understand, feel ownership over and am excited to challenge myself to deliver it.”
At wCap, supporting women led/owned businesses sits at the heart of everything we do. We believe women-owned or women-led businesses have the ability to scale and provide economic value for shareholders, and social returns for the communities they serve and operate in. Our mission is to support and develop them to achieve their full potential whilst also strengthening and bringing together the fantastic business support ecosystem that exists throughout the region.
If you are a woman owned/led established businesses with a working product or service and proven track record of at least three years or more, that are in the growth stage then this programme is absolutely for you. We would love to hear from you – apply now! Deadline for submissions is the 26th February 2020 – Friday at midnight.
For more information or to keep in touch with us, follow us on:
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/wCapZM
Twitter | https://twitter.com/wCapZM
LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/company/wcap-limited/
For media enquiries please email : info@womencapital.co
For queries Contact wCap info@womencapital.co